San Diego Blog Stories
Within this blog you will find everything from Funeral planning for Veterans to Newborn photography. While we capture many events and share as much information as possible, our main goal is to serve others. We currently do that by providing information and curating things that are needed, primarily for our Military community in Southern California.
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Honoring Rear Admiral William E. Terry, | 33 Year Navy Veteran
William Edwin Terry
9 January 1940 – 10 Jul 2022
33 Years | VIETNAM | US NAVY, Rear Admiral Lower Half
It is with deep regret I inform you of the passing of Rear Admiral (lower half) William Edwin “Bill” Terry, U.S. Navy (Retired), on 10 July 2022 at age 82. Bill entered the U.S. Naval Reserve in June 1961, was commissioned in April 1963, and served as a naval aviator flying helicopters until his retirement in October 1994 as Commander, Combat Logistics Group TWO. His other commands included Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron EIGHT (HS-2), Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron TEN (HS-10), USS Okinawa (LPH-3), and Amphibious Squadron SEVEN. He flew 32 combat missions during three Vietnam War deployments and he was awarded a Silver Star for rescuing three survivors from two downed aircraft under heavy enemy fire in March 1966.

Ensure You Honor Your Veteran At Their Funeral
How to Honor your Veteran After They Pass Away | Miramar National Cemetery San Diego, CA
When a loved one passes away, we want to honor their life and what they stood for. When a Veteran dies, we honor their commitment to offering up their own life to protect and serve others and ensure we celebrate the life they have lived. With a commitment this all-encompassing, we want to fully recognize their service to our country and to those who cannot protect themselves.
One way that you can honor your veteran is by making sure that they receive military honors at their funeral. A trumpeter playing Taps, a folded flag, gun salute, and a fly over come to mind. Your funeral director can help with these types of arrangements.
We will talk about Veteran’s Burial Allowance, requesting a “Military Funeral and Honor Guard” & Presidential Memorial Certificate, National Cemetery Burial information, and the importance of Continue to Honor Their Life.

First Reservist Marine to EVER Hold This Title
First Reservist Marine to EVER Hold This Title
Drill Master DI Ribbon Hat Ceremony | MCRD San Diego, CA
Staff Sgt Andrew Brand has been stationed at Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego with Golf Company for some time. He started off as a regular Drill Instructor, and finished off his time as Drill Master September of 2022.
This was no easy feat; Staff Sgt needed to extend his orders as a reservist and promise his time -far- beyond what was originally expected.

First Marine to ever hold these two titles!!
When a Marine needs to pick their “B” Billet, they usually pick between Drill Instructor and Recruiter Duty. Of course, there are pros and cons to both… Few pick BOTH. That’s the case for Gunnery Sergeant Jose Flores. He has served as both a recruiter on the east coast and Drill Instructor on the west coast. Where the real anomaly lies is he has received BOTH Recruiter of the Year (2014) AND Drill Instructor of the Year (2021).
Jose Flores enlisted at the age of 17 in 2008 and has had an incredible career. He is currently service as the the Recruit Training Regiment drill master, (prior Fox Company DI) and also received his Doctorate Degree from Grand Canyon University in Organizational Leadership.

Military Homecomings | USS Hampton SSN 767 | Point Loma Submarine Base
Harley McCracken contacted me looking for a photographer for her FIRST homecoming with her husband with USS Hampton. They originally met in Virginia and moved to San Diego, CA for their next duty station. Sadly, Harley had an emergency surgery RIGHT before their homecoming; doesn’t she look great!? Great energy and laughter as we waited for her hubby to be the last one off the boat. I hope you enjoy these photos!
If you are in San Diego and your loved one is about to leave, has already left, will be coming home soon BOOK A PHOTOGRAPHER! If not me, then someone, please! You will not regret it at all. To inquire about any ships, fly-ins, or even at The San Diego International Airport, contact me!

MCRD San Diego, CA | India CO Graduation Day | Rainy Day | First Cancellation
COVID-19 Cancels Marine Boot Camp Graduations MCRD San Diego, CA.
Families were excited and ready to see their new marine until 9 am when it was announced all events were canceled, so was graduation, and to leave base immediately! NO ONE expected this; morale plummeted.

Marine Corps Recruit Family Day + First Hug | MCRD San Diego, CA | Fox CO Platoons 2121-2127
"I became a Marine because I wanted to instill discipline in myself and see if I had it in me to overcome the challenges of boot camp. Now I not only have earned the title but I have also found my place in a brotherhood that will last a lifetime and have learned that the only limits we have are the ones we set for ourselves. The Marine Corps has set me up for success and has given me the mental and physical strength to tackle any obstacle that comes before me." -PFC Brody Fink