San Diego Blog Stories

Within this blog you will find everything from Funeral planning for Veterans to Newborn photography. While we capture many events and share as much information as possible, our main goal is to serve others. We currently do that by providing information and curating things that are needed, primarily for our Military community in Southern California.

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Oliver Light | Hospital Fresh 48 | Balboa Naval Medical Center
Portrait Sessions, Newborn, Fresh 48, Lifestyle Morning Owl Fine Art Photography San Diego CA Portrait Sessions, Newborn, Fresh 48, Lifestyle Morning Owl Fine Art Photography San Diego CA

Oliver Light | Hospital Fresh 48 | Balboa Naval Medical Center

What is a Fresh 48 Session and why schedule one?

A fresh 48 is a session done in the hospital after baby is born but before you leave the hospital. They care called “Fresh 48” because they are captured within the first 48 hours of life to capture the details of a fresh babe. These precious sessions document the details of you and your significant other as you bond with your new baby. From documenting tiny little feet and ankle bracelets, to siblings meeting their baby brother or sister for the FIRST time, the authentic connection and emotion captured during this time will bring you to tears of joy every time you look at your Fresh 48 session. 

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